[56] Perhaps most important, a significant number of multinationals have already taken steps to align their corporate structures with actual economic activity. [42]. Ring-fencing a few of the most digital business models is unlikely to solve the real problems facing the system and may even worsen them by making necessary reforms more difficult to achieve. By December 2018, it had become clear many EU countries, including Ireland and Sweden, were intent on defeating them. To recap, the announcement was made during Budget 2019 and has been confirmed in Budget 2020 as the . [59]. VAT number: European Commission, A Fair and Efficient Tax System in the European Union for the Digital Single Market, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, Brussels, COM(2017) 547, September 21, 2017, 6, https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/sites/taxation/files/communication_taxation_digital_single_market_en.pdf. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait 94 . Countries Continue to Use Tax Incentives to Boost R&D, @Work Series: Employment in the Innovation Economy. The guide defines the various criteria for digital services to be subject to DST as well as the procedure for the submission of DST tax returns. Car companies rely heavily on economies of scale to make their cars affordable. Users supposedly create value by producing content for the platform or generating data the companies sell or use to generate ad revenue. In the first, the transaction resembles a simple import of the service, with the user paying for the digital service with currency. 700 K Street NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20001[email protected](202) 449-1351. Moreover, in some cases, the compensation is in the form of notoriety, fame, and influence, all of which may lead to higher income from other sources. Read more. While this has also affected goods exports, its main impact has been to make more services tradeable across borders.[14]. As such, properly managing and controlling inherent tax risks is a must. There are two main economic effects of a tax: a fall in the quantity traded and a diversion of revenue to the government. Most nations recognize that digitalization is affecting all industries and has largely been a positive thing. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. We have already seen the Internet and other trends allowing industries to reduce their physical presence in a destination country. DK-1411 Copenhagen France's tax became law in July 2019, despite opposition from the US, which claimed the tax unfairly targets US companies. For a criticism, see John Vella, “Taxing the Digitalized Economy: Targeted or System-Wide Reform,” British Tax Review, No. This action plan, created in response to a request by the G20, identifies a set of domestic and international actions to address the problems of base erosion and profit sharing. As a result, there is a disconnect - or 'mismatch' - between where value is created and where taxes are paid. The key to good digital services is understanding the user's perspective. The IRS today released an advance version of Rev. Caitlin O’Kane, “Top 10 Highest-Paid YouTube Stars of 2018, According to Forbes,” CBS News, December 4, 2018, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/top-10-highest-paid-youtube-stars-of-2018-forbes/. In March 2018, the European Commission proposed a Digital Services Tax (DST) as a new tax on revenues resulting from certain digital business activities. For example, this would be equivalent to a 63 percent income tax on a company with a 5 percent rate of profit. The implementation of a revenue tax, especially one structured like the DST, raises a host of policy problems, some of which are specific to the provisions of a particular bill, while others are inherent to the broad outlines of DSTs in general. Their argument is that the existing rules do not divert enough taxable profits to them. Moreover, many businesses are increasing the data they collect, including from their customers. 10. Much of the latter is caused by concern that the existing rules do not adequately protect countries from tax competition. Helge Sigurd Næss-Schmidt et al., “The Proposed EU Digital Services, Tax: Effects on Welfare, Growth and Revenues” (Copenhagen Economics, September 2018), https://www.copenhageneconomics.com/dyn/resources/Publication/publicationPDF/7/457/1537162175/copenhagen-economics-study-on-the-eu-dst-proposal-13-september.pdf. However, digital technologies are making it easier for a larger share of goods and services to be exported. Clearly the second group has the better argument. VAT number: INTRODUCTION. None of the trends through which digital services are thought to pose a unique problem seem to be new or even particular to the digital sector. Digital companies create the lion’s share of the value, which is why they invest so much in improving software code and in research and development (R&D). Amazon’s ease of ordering, wide selection, and quick delivery increase consumer value in a way many other sellers have not been able to match. Several major trends have altered this pattern and allowed firms to become much more integrated worldwide, adjusting the structure and activity of each business to maximize the efficiency of both their supplier bases and consumer markets. Despite the fact that traditional industries increasingly incorporate digital traits, OECD has argued that highly digitalized companies may pose a special challenge to national tax bases and therefore to support for the international corporate tax system. Even if the substance of the argument about user-created value is accepted—which it should not be—the decision to apply DST to only a narrow set of largely U.S. companies is flawed. Countries should not be allowed to stop it just because they fear losing revenue. Contact, Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), We use cookies to give you the best possible experience with our website. [28]. The focus on user-created value thus ends up justifying an arbitrary tax on revenues. The focus on revenues also likely means companies cannot deduct the DST from the CIT in their source country. This places pressure on national governments to make their tax laws more efficient by lowering the statutory rate or offering more tax incentives. [13]. The first was a DST that would have levied a tax of 3 percent on the revenues of a narrow set of companies. Among these, the tax implications of a digital economy are perhaps the most urgent issue for governments, international organizations, and civil societies. But if a DST is implemented—which ITIF believes should not be the case—to be consistent, it should not discriminatorily apply only to a narrow group of companies, but rather should apply to all revenues from data or user-contributed content. Because there is nothing unique about this size level, its choice is arbitrary and unfair. DST supporters claim most of the value from these platforms comes from users on both sides of the market rather than the companies that create and run them. These two cursory actions have done little to influence either the debate over, or the momentum toward, unilateral action. Digital goods are software programs, music, videos or other electronic files that users download exclusively from the Internet. The United States Trade Representative recently took this approach in a report on trade relations, stating: The United States opposes proposals by any country to single out digital companies. Their frustration stems from the fact that digitalization has made it possible for companies to export more goods and services into a country without subjecting themselves to that country’s CIT. DST applies regardless of where the corporate owner of those revenues is located and . Although the data can be important, its objective value is small. In this study, I investigate the effect of auditor-provided tax services (ATS) on firms' levels of book-tax differences and investors' mispricing of book-tax differences. Tax Administrations Going Digital 87. Why should one business model, especially one that is more attractive to higher-income households, be preferred over another? Client Accounting Services: Your trusted service provider for tax compliance, accounting and payroll requirements, A collection of all publications, articles on Philippine taxation. Finally, the action items attempted to increase transparency and improve legal certainty for both companies and countries. Here we will just point out that in most cases, the value does not come from the consumer, but from the business, just as it is from the German carmaker. Nor do they count as income the value users get from receiving free services, such as when someone eats dinner at a friend’s house or is given a ride to work. [53] In some cases, these practices could result in profit not being taxed anywhere. For example, once a company passes the U.K. threshold of £500 million in global revenues and £25 million in U.K. revenues, they suddenly become subject to the tax. [63] The guidelines affirm that the country wherein the consumer has their normal place of residence has the right to collect VAT on remote supplies of services and intangibles. This book, produced by a group of economists and lawyers, adopts a different approach and starts from first principles in order to generate an international tax system fit for the 21st century. These proposed changes would ease the current requirement that companies have a PE in a country before they are subjected to corporate income tax and divert more corporate tax revenues to the countries in which the consumers live. But with the Internet, portions of that value (ride matching, payment, ranking of drivers, etc. Digital downloads and services sold to European retail consumers are taxed at VAT (value added tax) rates of up to 27 per cent making the digital retail economy a significant source of tax revenue. One of the newest trends in manufacturing is to use this data to improve products. New rules for digital economy businesses are in effect as of July 1, 2021. But these deductions are of little use to foreign companies that would otherwise not pay the CIT. Participation is the benefit users receive from the Internet service. All of these trends, including digitalization, make it easier for companies to export products and, especially, services rather than produce them in the destination countries. Moreover, the activities asserted to create value are increasingly being used in many traditional industries, and will increase as more and more business models incorporate digital components. In addition, the proposals make artificial and inaccurate distinctions between ad-supported business models (wherein, they argue, local value is created) and subscription-supported business models (wherein, they argue, value is not created). This page is also available in: Melayu (Malay) Digital Service Tax in Malaysia - Taxes on the Digital Economy. His previous positions include chief economist with the U.S. Department of Commerce and general counsel for the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. The European Commission launched the first major effort to enact a DST. 7.3. The U.S. Department of Commerce reported data processing, Internet publishing, and other information services companies created over $300 billion in value added in the United States in 2018—significantly more than the motor vehicle industry, for example.[2]. However, some countries think BEPS is not enough. Companies using the data for ads or selling it to third parties should not suddenly subject them to a DST. The first section of this report reviews what countries might be considered tax havens, including a discussion of the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) initiatives and lists. A study by Copenhagen Economics made a similar finding, pointing out digital companies often benefit from tax provisions meant to encourage large research expenditures, which economists have shown benefit society as much, if not more, than the companies doing the research. Over the last six years, the international community has launched, completed, and enacted a base-erosion and profit-shifting (BEPS) effort. BE-1050 Brussels The argument that digital companies do not pay enough taxes in total is false. This benefits some types of activity over others, despite there being no clear policy rationale for doing so. The crux of their argument is international tax codes allow nations to collect CIT if there is value added in those nations. The concept of a “digital services tax” is not new from an international standpoint. The concept of tax assessment is the process by which the tax payers and/or the tax administrators break down the actual tax liability of each tax payer. The threshold clearly punishes firms for getting larger and reduces their incentive to grow. This should go a long way toward addressing areas wherein there were legitimate problems and a consensus for reforms. France can, however, levy a sales or value added tax (VAT) on the transaction. The U.K. proposal promised a separate safe harbor for firms with low profit margins or losses. The DST imposed a rate of 3% on revenues generated from specific B2B and B2C . These principles are reflected in a large number of multilateral and bilateral tax treaties, and generally require a company to have a PE in a country and add value domestically before it becomes subject to that country’s corporate income tax. The Commission originally justified this selectivity by alleging the largest digital companies were not paying their “fair share” of taxes. The platform owner’s role in creating value is not substantively different when it is limited to one vendor rather than several. Users whose foreign employer purchases access to the platform on their behalf. The content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for specific advice. Kennedy has a law degree and a master’s degree in agricultural and applied economics from the University of Minnesota, and a Ph.D. in economics from George Washington University. Found insideAddressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) is a key priority of governments. In 2013, OECD and G20 countries, working together on an equal footing, adopted a 15-point Action Plan to address BEPS. Digitalization is the process of putting information into an electronic form so that it can be cheaply collected, transmitted, stored, and analyzed. Digital services taxes should be seen for what they really are: ill-disguised, convoluted, and capricious attempts to grab tax revenue from a narrow set of large, highly profitable, and mostly American companies. On 24 October 2018, Bertelsmanns Stiftung – a German think-tank – and Copenhagen Economics held a seminar i Berlin discussing the future of taxation for the digital economy and how to promote the digital- and other knowledge-intensive industries in the EU. In fact, the DST argument gets it backward. [1]. [8]. However, this second law would not come into effect until similar reforms were made to the multilateral system. This publication is the tenth edition of the full version of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital. The United States needs to defend its national and global interests with more vigor. This distinction makes little sense. [16] Yet, the current arms-length standard provides at least some guidance on how to value these assets. The Internet of Things will dramatically increase the amount of data each user generates, in virtually every industry. DSTs would make this growth strategy significantly more difficult by increasing the “burn rate” of cash. The U.K. proposal only would apply once a company has £500 million in global annual revenues. For example, a purchase from Amazon’s website would be subject to a DST if it were from a third-party vendor, but not if it were from a site that only sells Amazon products—even if the product were the same. Having missed collection targets by a significant margin starting in March, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) expects future collections to also fall below target as an effect of the economic slowdown. This in turn has increased the value of the intellectual property contained in the product and made it easier for companies to shift more of their focus toward maintenance, service, and product improvement, and away from the initial sale. © 2015 - 2021 PwC. Coverage: Notwithstanding the territories’ different registration requirements, the tax generally covers all companies (including foreign ones) whose digital services are supplied to consumers located within their territories. Evidence on whether ATS improve or impair the overall accounting quality is inconclusive as a result . DSTs treat corporate functions differently, even when they have the same basic form. But this assumes users are creating value whenever they provide data. The digital economy makes up 15.5% of global GDP in . In each, the technology, service, and business model—not users—account for the value added. [14]. The views or opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Isla Lipana & Co. [21] OECD also pointed out that it is impossible and would be unwise to try to ring-fence the digital economy by applying special rules to it. [56]. Second, DSTs only target multinationals in a narrow range of business models meant to reflect the claimed sources of user value. [15]. [36]. Third, the proposals include thresholds that would have eliminated all but the largest firms. The government hopes the introduction of the DST will level the playing field for local companies - in addition to gaining more tax revenue from its US$36 billion digital economy. [25] If it is the former, the company would normally not have to report taxable income. Tax competition in the form of harmful tax practices can distort trade and investment patterns, erode national tax bases and shift part of the tax burden onto less mobile tax bases. One result of a DST could be more companies switching to a subscription model, thus widening the digital divide. They also target a very limited set of digital business models, arguing that those businesses are earning profits from users in, but not paying enough corporate taxes to, the nations wherein the users reside. Further, taxing profits based on where users reside would violate longstanding international agreements by taxing income more than once and imposing an ad valorem tax that primarily targets imports. We have reviewed the evidence base and analytical logic of the proposal. More here. Indirect Tax Challenges posed by New Technologies 91 8.3. FI29062416 Similarly, if a Canadian citizen travels to the United States to buy a computer from a U.S. company, the company will not have to pay Canadian CIT on the profits from the sale. A recent OECD report lists some of these benefits, including bringing platform markets into the formal economy, and improving both tax administration and compliance. Because virtually all industries are becoming more digitized, and new business models are forming, there is likely to be continued pressure to apply DST to more companies, especially if the tax produces less revenue than anticipated. Several territories across Europe have introduced their digital services taxes as of 2020. According to the United Kingdom’s HM Treasury, “The DST is focused on those business models for which the participation of a user base can reasonably be considered a central value driver, critical to the success or failure of the business.”[29] Most proposals would only cover profits from three business models: (1) placing ads targeting users of a digital interface based on their data profiles; (2) providing a multisided digital platform that allows users on one side of a transaction to interact with users on other sides, including the purchase of goods and services; and (3) selling users’ data. Most users consume more data than they create, and this trend seems to be growing.[31]. According to the bill’s explanatory note, it is projected that the proposal would yield about PHP29.1bn in new revenue for the government. On 20 September 2018, Partner Sigurd Næss-Schmidt presented the results at a CEPS event in Brussels with the European Commission, OECD and national experts discussing the basis and the practical implementation of digital taxation, options and challenges. Download the presentation from the event. It is important to note that most of these strategies were legal under the existing rules. The rise of this phenomenon, powered by digital platforms, has transformed a number of industries within just a few short years. Helge Sigurd Næss-Schmidt et al., “The Proposed EU Digital Services Tax: Effects on Welfare, Growth, and Revenues,” 20. [47]. [48]. [51]. The answer lies in a collection of highly detailed multilateral agreements and literally thousands of bilateral tax treaties. [12]. Google, for example, has a better system for recycling user searches to improve future results. Still, collectively, this group creates a great deal of content, which in turn draws many users. Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Zhiyao Lu, “The European Union’s Proposed Digital Services Tax: A De Facto Tariff” (Peterson Institute for International Economics, Policy Brief 19–15), June 2018, https://piie.com/publications/policy-briefs/european-unions-proposed-digital-services-tax-de-facto-tariff. A 6% service tax on imported taxable services (ITS) was imposed with effect from Jan 1, 2019. The long-term proposal is a framework for establishing taxable digital presence in EU countries. The focus on revenues was meant to avoid bilateral tax treaties that prohibit taxing corporations’ profits. The first edition of The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy was selected as an Outstanding Academic Book of the Year (1999) by Choice magazine."--Publisher's website. Although the proposed Digital Economy Taxation Act is still subject to further deliberation, the bill should be contextualized against the current tax rules to understand the rationale for the proposal. [67]. Instead, it is a targeted measure on three types of "digital activities:" online . Although the tax characterization of remotely delivered services to consumers may be an important technical question about how to tax the value of intangibles (and something the BEPS process can address), this does not imply these consumers are creating value when they merely “buy” free services. Norway's tax administration gives citizens tax returns that it has filled out for them, and more than 70 percent of citizens submit those returns. Granted, data about users, such as their location, can sometimes help tailor users’ search results (e.g., a search for an Italian restaurant). But as the marginal price of adding consumers is almost zero, much of the burden would likely be borne by users. Whilst websites accessed through a web browser.”[46] A website that makes money from both ads and subscriptions would have to pay DST on the former revenues but not on the latter. OECD, Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalization–Interim Report 2018, 103. What about games that let users buy and sell tokens? Because many of these companies lack a PE in those countries, they pay taxes on that income in their home country, but not in the nations where the consumers are. The Problem with France's Plan to Tax Digital Companies. Joe Kennedy is a senior fellow at ITIF. Once taxable corporate profit is allocated to each, the different countries are free to define the taxable base and set the tax rate. The standard 12% VAT rate is to apply to affected digital services. That would give Amazon an incentive to expand its product offerings at the expense of other suppliers. France recently approved a 3% tax on revenues generated by large digital . [45]. With the urgency of generating more funds to continue fighting the pandemic, the government has now put the spotlight on digital services. Daniel Castro and Alan McQuinn, “No, Internet Companies Shouldn’t Have to Pay You for Your Data,” The Sacramento Bee, March 14, 2019, https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/article227760249.html; Eline Chivot, “Paying Users for Their Data Would Exacerbate Digital Inequality,” Center for Data Innovation Blog, January 11, 2019, https://www.datainnovation.org/2019/01/paying-users-for-their-data-would-exacerbate-digital-inequality/. The DST advocates believe customers create a great deal of value in some, but not all, highly digitalized business lines. In each case, it is difficult to argue users are creating great value. DST supporters argue that they are adhering to the principle that value should be taxed wherever it is created. Moreover, corporate taxes as a share of GDP has [61] This is highly ambitious. A 3 percent revenue tax, for example, is equal to a 23 percent income tax for a business with a markup of 15 percent (a company with $115 in revenues would have $15 in profits, and 0.03*115 = 15*0.23). This is also true of other platforms. In summary, each of the three ways in which users participate with Internet businesses does not create much value for those firms. Across the 70 countries/ regions in the study, we found that each 1% increase in usage of electronic payments pro-duces, on average, an annual increase of approximately $104 billion in the consumption of goods and services, or a 0.04% increase in GDP, assuming all other factors remain the same. Overseas businesses that meet the A$75,000 registration threshold will need to: register for GST. France has approved a digital services tax despite threats of retaliation by the US, which argues that it unfairly targets American tech giants. Many of these platforms offer their services free to at least one group of users. The data has no value to the customer, but presumably the company values it. SE-111 28 Stockholm Australian goods and services tax (GST) applies to sales of imported services and digital products to Australian consumers. Consumption Tax Trends provides information on Value Added Taxes/Goods and Services Taxes (VAT/GST) and excise duty rates in OECD member countries. France's DST imposes a three per cent cash flow tax on the French revenue of large multinationals that provide digital advertising and digital platform services, such as Google, Amazon, Uber and Facebook. The United States needs to defend its national and global interests with more vigor. In general, Philippine income taxation is based on either: (a) nationality, i.e., resident citizens and domestic corporations are taxed on worldwide income, or (b) territoriality, i.e., individuals other than resident citizens and foreign corporations are taxed on Philippine-based income. The substance of the transaction is the same, despite the fact that most DST proposals would only tax the second form of consumption. Because these taxes mainly impact U.S. companies and are thus perceived as discriminatory, the United States has responded with retaliatory threats . So far, the U.S. response has been mild. They point to three ways domestic users add significant value to specific digital services: user-created content, user data, and patronage of Internet platforms.[28]. Furnishing DST-02 return of service tax on digital services Payment of service tax on digital services MYSToDSPortal for service tax on digital services compliance operational on 1 April 2020 Reporting currency •Three options for reporting in MYR: i. But, as the near-term outlook for multilateral agreement was dim, the DST was likely to stay in place for a long time. A second group may post a lot, but their postings have little value to the vast majority of users. A recent Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) document offers options for doing both.[6]. Finally, the size threshold implicitly overrules the PE test, which exempts these companies from local CIT. Implementation The multilateral instrument through which Amount A is implemented will be developed and opened for signature in 2022, with Amount A coming into effect in 2023. The country continues to benefit from being home to many of the largest Internet companies. [65]. Big tech supports global tax, but wants digital services levies axed. For example, a country may choose to allow a deduction for interest costs or provide a credit for research spending. [13], This ability to serve global markets from only a few locations has been expanded by digitalization. [39] Users do not contribute to the business offering, and their participation is not vital to its success. These thresholds would limit the number of foreign companies brought into the system while also largely exempting domestic firms. However, the IA ignores a key effect of innova-tion, as digital distribution increases productivity across the value chain in the EU, which increases GDP and tax base. These have been joined by a number of other nations outside of the EU, including Australia, Chile, and South Korea. Abstract. [2]. The tax is applicable on the gross transaction value of the service provided and is due at the time of payment. The proposed EU digital services tax: Effects on welfare, growth and revenues 2 models. Moreover, the competitive battle between Uber and Lyft will not be settled by their individual riders or users, who often switch between the two platforms, but by the strength of the overall service the companies offer to both groups. 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