For that there are another command that can help us (you should know the name of the groupid you want to monitor): that for the topic my-service on the group my-group we have the current offset consume by each partition and the log end offset (if they are egual it’s perfect) a (dash -) means that we don’t have yet the information on the __consumer_offsets. Found insideThis should be the governing principle behind any cloud platform, library, or tool. Spring Cloud makes it easy to develop JVM applications for the cloud. In this book, we introduce you to Spring Cloud and help you master its features.  Keep in mind that the consumer has to be active when you run this command to see its current offset. Found inside – Page 290Consumer offset position: Kafka does not maintain message offsets and all the consumer is responsible for maintaining its own consumer offset. GROUP TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG OWNER flume t1 0 1 3 2 test-consumer-group_postamac.local-1456198719410-29ccd54f- Describing offsets on a secure cluster In order to describe offsets on a secure Kafka cluster, the consumer-groups tool has to be run with the command-config option. With the auto.offset.reset property set as latest, which is the default, the consumer will start processing only new . Reset to latest offset available: --reset-offsets --group --topic foo --to-latest. The server to use to connect to Kafka, in this case, the only one available if you use the single-node configuration. How do I manually offset Kafka? Software keeps changing, but the fundamental principles remain the same. With this book, software engineers and architects will learn how to apply those ideas in practice, and how to make full use of data in modern applications. As it is binary data, to see what's inside .  This tool will provide you with both the offsets and lag of consumers for the various topics and partitions. 0. confluent kafka - Rate limiting. Found insideThis book is a highly practical guide to help you understand the fundamentals as well as the advanced applications of Apache Kafka as an enterprise messaging service. Commit offsets returned on the last poll() for all the subscribed list of topics and partition. Consumer group 1 – has 2 consumers and partition-1 is consumed by consumer-1, Consumer group 2 – has 2 consumers and partition-1 is consumed by consumer-2, Consumer offset of 9 in consumer group 1 for partition-1 mean that consumer-1 in consumer group 1 have read 10 messages from partition-1 (offset starts from 0), Consumer offset of 50 in consumer group 2 for partition-1 mean that consumer-2 in consumer group 2 have read 51 messages from the partition-1 (offset starts from 0). All we need is the Consuming from single kafka partition by multiple consumers. Kafka consumer of service A will be removed from the consumer group if the retry take too long. It produces a message to Kafka, to a special __consumer_offsets topic, with the committed offset for each partition. . It will be used to print and export current offset. Let' see how consumers will consume messages from Kafka topics: Step1: Open the Windows command prompt. The Consumer offsets can be found using the method offset of class ConsumerRecord. Found inside – Page 43It then calls the Kafka script called Kafka-consumer-offset-checker with a ZooKeeper string--the topic name and a group name to get a list of consumer ...  In other words, by having the offsets persist in a data store (Kafka and/or ZooKeeper), data continuity is retained even when the stream application shuts down or fails. Kafka consumer group lag is a key performance indicator of any Kafka-based event-driven system. In summary –. The beginning of a topic would give the smallest possible offset. As outlined above, by default, the offsets to be commited to Kafka are updated immediately prior to the Consume method deliverying messages to the application. Found insideDesign and administer fast, reliable enterprise messaging systems with Apache Kafka About This Book Build efficient real-time streaming applications in Apache Kafka to process data streams of data Master the core Kafka APIs to set up Apache ... The relevant Jira is KAFKA-1000. $ ./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic users.verifications. Reset the consumer offset for a topic (execute) kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server < kafkahost:port > --group < group_id > --topic < topic_name > --reset-offsets --to-earliest --execute.  The default retention period for message offsets in Kafka is one week (7 days). That's it. When a consumer fails the load is automatically distributed to other members of the group. Kafka Consumer Group CLI. Configuring a Kafka Client. [2020-07-17T09:05:12,075Z] [INFO ] [kafka-scheduler-2] [kafka.log.Log] [Log partition=prd453-19-event-upsert-32, dir=/data/kafka] Found deletable segments with base . On the other hand, if a new consumer group is started in an existing topic, then there is no offset store.  Let’s consider an example where the log retention is set to three (3) days. Apache Kafka Consumer Metrics. […] post What is consumer offset and the purpose of consumer offset in Kafka? kafka.consumer_offset. List all topics kafka-topics --list --zookeeper localhost:2181. if the consumer resets the offset then there is a high chance of message duplication. This avoids duplication in message consumption. The auto-offset-reset property is set to earliest, which means that the consumers will start reading messages from the earliest one available when there is no existing offset for that consumer. Found insideThis book discusses various components of Spark such as Spark Core, DataFrames, Datasets and SQL, Spark Streaming, Spark MLib, and R on Spark with the help of practical code snippets for each topic. They can store offsets in the Event Hubs service. The lag in messages between the consumer and the broker. If you are ever curious about where the offset is at, you can open the kafka-consumer-groups tool. With this cookbook, you’ll learn how to: Efficiently build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads Apply Knative in real enterprise scenarios, including advanced eventing Monitor your Knative serverless applications effectively ... The consumer will transparently handle the failure of servers in the Kafka cluster, and adapt as topic-partitions are created or migrate between brokers.  First there is the topic, then within topics are partitions, and then finally the ordering of the messages in the topics is referred to as the offset.  If you’re curious about how to optimize the number of partitions, check out this easy formula. Let say for some reason the consumer is crashed or shut down. This article shows you how to set up the tool, use it, and reset the offset for a consumer group. Note The offsets of Sink connectors are managed using the Kafka consumer group protocol ( see here for how an example of how to reset those) Reset the offset by decrementing the current offset . Found insideWith the Kafka Streams API, you filter and transform data streams with just Kafka and your application. About the Book Kafka Streams in Action teaches you to implement stream processing within the Kafka platform. New Consumers and Offset Reset Policy . For a unique pair of and topic-partition, we store an offset in Azure Storage (3x replication). Kafka broker can reduce number of network requests by efficient batching of . Kafka uses the pull model: a consumer requests new messages starting from a specified offset. […]. In order to consume messages in a consumer group, '-group' command is used. Since kafka 0.9, it’s not zookeeper anymore that store the information about what were the offset consumed by each groupid on a topic by partition. confluent_kafka consumer offset count reset problem. Found inside – Page iBuild straightforward and maintainable APIs to create services that are usable and maintainable. Although this book focuses on distributed services, it also emphasizes how the core principles apply even to pure OOD and OOP constructs. Kminion ⭐ 333. Close the consumer, waiting indefinitely for any needed cleanup. Ideal for developers and non-technical people alike, this book describes: Key elements in good design for streaming analytics, focusing on the essential characteristics of the messaging layer New messaging technologies, including Apache ... Generally, a Kafka consumer belongs to a particular consumer group. Overview of consumer offset management in Kafka presented at Kafka meetup @ LinkedIn. The goal of this post is to give you a clear understanding of what is consumer offset, how it is managed and how to change them? One aspect of Kafka that can cause some confusion for new users is the consumer offset. Create the Java keystore and truststore for your Aiven for Apache Kafka service. By storing this number, we essentially provide a checkpoint for our consumer. A topic is divided into multiple partitions.  What would happen if 32 messages were received over a couple of hours, and then four (4) days go by before the next message is received? Collectively we have seen a wide range of problems, implemented some innovative and complex (or simple, depending on how you look at it) big data solutions on cluster as big as 2000 nodes. For versions less than 0.9 Apache Zookeeper was used for managing the offsets of the consumer group. Found inside – Page 73When reading data, the consumer will only read committed messages—that is, ... of the consumer: • If the consumer advances the offset in Kafka after ... The current message offset value on the consumer. Found insideIdeal for developers and non-technical people alike, this book describes: Key elements in good design for streaming analytics, focusing on the essential characteristics of the messaging layer New messaging technologies, including Apache ... It also interacts with the assigned kafka Group Coordinator node to allow multiple consumers to load balance consumption of topics (requires kafka >= How to get a list of consumers connected to a Kafka topic? Over 50 hands-on recipes to efficiently administer, maintain, and use your Apache Kafka installationAbout This Book- Quickly configure and manage your Kafka cluster- Learn how to use the Apache Kafka cluster and connect it with tools for ... We need to calculate the time difference between the current consumer offset and the current topic offset. Found inside – Page 232Kafka consumers can decide the offset from where they wish to start consuming the messages. In the preceding example, the consumer was started with a ... This wiki page describes the design of the inbuilt offset management feature. hostname, port, username, and password are the optional JMX settings and use the default if unspecified. Store Offsets¶. Found inside – Page 91Major Kafka Consumer Configuration Parameters Parameter Default Description ... 60000 How often to commit consumer offsets to ZooKeeper in ms. Consumer offset is recorded in Kafka so if the consumer processing the partition in the consumer group goes down and when the consumer comes back, the consumer will read the offset to start reading the messages from the topic from where it is left off. As it is binary data, to see what’s inside this topic we will need to consume with the formatter OffsetsMessageFormatter : (of if you use a version between kafka 0.9.x.x and autoCommitEnable (consumer)  In this scenario, the offset will either begin from the beginning of a topic or the end of the topic. Setting up Found insideWith this hands-on guide, author and architect Tom Marrs shows you how to build enterprise-class applications and services by leveraging JSON tooling and message/document design. name is the consumer's name as it appears in Kafka. Hi, I am trying to write a java program that monitors the kafka consumer and end offset values and send alerts if it does not update for a given period of time. Found inside – Page 93... Producers Consumer 1 (offset = 6) Consumer 2 (offset = 9) Figure 6.4 Kafka offset. k k maintains offset, sequence id, for any given subscriber shown in ... Storing the offsets within a Kafka topic is not just fault-tolerant, but allows to reassign partitions to other consumers during a rebalance, too. It only depends on Kafka Streams 0.11 (it can be setup to 0.10 if needed). the offset it will start to read from.  Easy enough. There are two phases or alternatives to implement the solution: Have the consumers create an embedded producer and send offsets as produce messages. But this does not seem to be the correct consume. kafka.consumer_lag. Dưới đây là mô hình kết nối phổ biến của Kafka và Zookeeper. The Kafka consumer offset allows processing to continue from where it last left off if the stream application is turned off or if there is an unexpected failure. false. Kafka Consumer — Duplicate Message Processed With Auto Commit Solution. If you're using the Kafka Consumer API (introduced in Kafka 0.9), your consumer will be managed in a consumer group, and you will be able to read the offsets with a Bash utility script supplied with the Kafka binaries.  When the consumer starts up again, it will continue from where it left off in the offset (or position) because that offset is stored by Kafka and/or ZooKeeper.  If Kafka was configured using the default, then to answer the questions above, the offset would begin at 32. Found insideBy allowing Trident to advance its consumer offset, Kafka supports this functionality. Messages aren't discarded, so by rewinding the offset, you can replay ... Also, Kafka can handle the load easily when compared to Zookeeper when there are a lot of consumers to the cluster. Get Offsets for the topic kafka-run-class --broker-list localhost:9092 -topic vital_signs --time -1. It is using some classes from Kafka server to know how to parse the content of __consumer_offsets which is binary-based. max.partition.fetch.bytes The current offset is a pointer to the last record that Kafka has already sent to a consumer in the most recent poll. . At regular intervals the offset of the most recent successfully processed message batch in each partition will be committed to the Kafka offset store. The Consumer consumes the records from the topic in the . Since we didn't specify a group for the consumer, the console consumer created a new group, with itself as the lone member. Just to recapitulate, Kafka supports mainly three types of auto.offset.reset values for consumer application. A collection of hands-on lessons based upon the authors' considerable experience in enterprise integration, the 65 patterns included with this guide show how to use message-oriented middleware to connect enterprise applications. Instead, it allows consumers to use Kafka to track their position (offset) in each partition. (March 24, 2015) Only one consumer in a consumer group can be assigned to consume messages from a partition, A consumer offset is managed at the partition level per consumer group. The new KafkaConsumer can commit its current offset to Kafka and Kafka stores those offsets in a special topic called __consumer_offsets. Offset Manager. Check out this post. The Consumer.commitWithMetadataSource Consumer.commitWithMetadataSource allows you to add metadata to the committed offset based on the last consumed record.. Commit with meta-data. Available command line options: -brokers string The comma separated list of brokers in the Kafka cluster (default "kafka.service.consul:9092") -buffer-size int The buffer size of the message channel. This approach is good for building out a new server and populating it with data, or for doing load testing on a Kafka cluster. KafkaConsumer¶ class kafka.KafkaConsumer (*topics, **configs) ¶. KMinion is a feature-rich Prometheus exporter for Apache Kafka written in Go. 5474 27 42 82 Log retention times can also impact consumer offset. Even worse, another consumer might poll . The primary use case for this is allowing the application to store both the offset and the results of the consumption in the same system in a way that both the results and offsets are stored atomically. If you're using the Kafka Consumer API (introduced in Kafka 0.9), your consumer will be managed in a consumer group, and you will be able to read the offsets with a Bash utility script supplied with the Kafka binaries. Found insideIn this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we cover the best practices for deploying and integrating some of the best AI solutions on the market, including: IBM Watson Machine Learning Accelerator (see note for product naming) IBM Watson Studio ... 8. If you want to reset the offset of a source connector then you can do so by very carefully modifying the data in the Kafka topic itself. Found inside – Page 345You can have multiple consumers for the same topic in a consumer group. ... if a consumer dies, Kafka knows the offset of the last message read. Event Hubs . Notes. It can take both +ve or -ve number. Consumer lag is simply the delta between the consumer's last committed offset and the producer's end offset in the log. Found insideKafka can partition a topic and allow multiple consumers to be grouped within a ... a message from a particular partition of a topic by updating an offset. Managed Kafka on your environment with 24/ 7 support. 0. This is very important to know, to avoid some surprises. We should have a Kafka server running on our machine. This option will reset offsets to the earliest using Kafka Consumer's `#seekToEnd`.  However, it isn’t set in stone. - Software, How to change or reset consumer offset in Kafka? What is consumer offset and the purpose of consumer offset in Kafka? The kafka-python package seek() method changes the current offset in the consumer so it will start consuming messages from that in the next poll(), as in the documentation: The last consumed offset can be manually set through seek() or automatically set as the last committed offset for the subscribed list of partitions. Found insideThe consumer is a Hadoop job that pulls the data from the Kafka brokers and ... The Kafka Spout stores the message offset and other message consumption ... This avoids duplication in message consumption.  If your needs don’t require any of those functions, then you likely will want to start at the end of the topic. In this tutorial, we'll build an analyzer application to monitor Kafka consumer lag.  In this post, we define consumer offset and outline the factors that determine the offset. Read all consumer groups: ./ --bootstrap-server --list my-group-01 my-group-02 my-group-03. 5. Note that the first offset provided to the consumer during a partition assignment will not contain metadata. This also avoids duplication in message consumption. All consumers in the consumer group will have access to read the consumer offset for the partitions they are responsible for consuming and this avoids consuming a message which was already consumed. In this tutorial you'll learn how to use the Kafka console consumer to quickly debug issues by reading from a specific offset as well as control the number of records you read. First, if you set (which is the default), then the consumer will automatically commit offsets periodically at the interval set by default is 5 seconds. Method Summary Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer. If you want to extend the retention beyond a week, simply specify the desired retention period when creating a Kafka topic. Kafka now store this information on a topic called __consumer_offsets. Using this tool you can figure out the offsets till which your consumer have completed consuming the Kafka logs. Kafka groups can be managed via the Kafka consumer group APIs. Consume records from a Kafka cluster. Generally, a Kafka consumer belongs to a particular consumer group. There is a lot of confusion when it comes to consumer offset, what is the purpose for it and how to change the offset. KafkaConsumer defines following method: Where parameter 'offsets' is a map of offsets by partition with associate metadata. In order to consume messages in a consumer group, '-group' command is used. The connector uses this strategy by default if you explicitly enabled Kafka's auto-commit (with the attribute set to true ). Now the consumer in general pulls and retrieves multiple records at the same time. Kafka consumer offset management. If this option is enabled then an instance of KafkaManualCommit is stored on the Exchange message header, which allows end users to access this API and perform manual offset commits via the Kafka consumer. Tuy nhiên sau đó các kĩ sư đã tách sự phụ thuộc này để Zookeeper hoàn toàn độc lập với consumer và producer. Consumer offset is used to track the messages that are consumed by consumers in a consumer group. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you with Kafka, Elasticsearch, OpenSearch, and Pulsar. Remora ⭐ 183. Following examples shows how to commit offset asynchronously with a callback and with the specified offset. Offsets are a big part of Kafka. consumer = KafkaConsumer() partition = TopicPartition('foo', 0) start = 1234 end = 2345 consumer.assign([partition]), start) for msg in consumer: if msg.offset > end: break else: print msg def offsets_for_times(consumer, partitions, timestamp): """Augment KafkaConsumer.offsets_for_times to not return None Parameters ----- consumer : kafka.KafkaConsumer This consumer must only be used for collecting metadata, and not consuming. I have the Kafka pipeline running until 10:00 AM, but for some reason, my pipeline has an issue and stops running. That is, it keeps track of which data it has read. Whether to allow doing manual commits via KafkaManualCommit. The goal is to get you designing and building applications. And by the conclusion of this book, you will be a confident practitioner and a Kafka evangelist within your organisation - wielding the knowledge necessary to teach others. the consumer cannot commit the offset. Found insideHelps users understand the breadth of Azure services by organizing them into a reference framework they can use when crafting their own big-data analytics solution. Repeat 1 to check if the reset is successful. If the amount of time passed was two weeks (14 days), then the offset would be changed to the latest offset, since the previous offset would have been removed at one week (7 days). We are a group of senior Big Data engineers who are passionate about Hadoop, Spark and related Big Data technologies. This brings two benefits: Consumption rate is defined by consumers and therefore they don't get overwhelmed when there are lots of messages in a topic to be processed. Visit our About page to learn how we support our clients with their Kafka, Pulsar, Elasticsearch, and OpenSearch implementations. The consumer offset is a way of tracking the sequential order in which messages are received by Kafka topics. What about for existing consumer groups?  Keeping track of the offset, or position, is important for nearly all Kafka use cases but can be mission critical in certain instances, such as financial services. Found insideEach chapter focuses on a practical aspect and tries to avoid the tedious theoretical sections. By the end of this book, you will be familiar with solving . Using this tool you can figure out the offsets till which your consumer have completed consuming the Kafka logs. Defining Kafka Consumer Offset. Learn the architecture and implementation tips for an entire reactive microservices-based system in each chapter Understand the challenges of long-term running and evolution of your distributed system Explore different failure modes of ... More information on Kafka consumers and Kafka consumer optimization is available here. The position is decided in Kafka consumers via a parameter auto.offset.reset and the possible values to set are latest (Kafka default), and earliest. If true the consumer's offset will be periodically committed in the background. The auto offset commit capability in the .NET Client is actually quite flexible. But maybe I have 23 offsets to be read on my partition 0, and it should alert me, that the worker that should be reading the partition 0, is late or for some reason are not committing the offsets as read, so potentially an error should be fixed. When a new Kafka consumer is created, it must determine its consumer group initial position, i.e. Kafka Consumer Group CLI.  Where would the offset begin? As discussed in a previous post about creating a Kafka topic, offsets are one of three metrics that when used together can locate or identify a message. Click to learn about Kafka consumer groups. Auto Scaling of kafka Consumer. The two main settings affecting offset management are whether auto-commit is enabled and the offset reset policy. As far as the consumer is concerned, as soon as a message is pulled in, it's "processed." So now imagine that your consumer has pulled in 1,000 messages and buffered them into memory. This Consumer Offset is periodically persisted (to ZooKeeper or a special Topic in Kafka itself) so it can survive Consumer crashes or unclean shutdowns and avoid re-consuming too much old data.  The end of the topic would be the greatest possible offset. Reset to Current Position. Consumer offset is recorded in Kafka so if the consumer processing the partition in the consumer group goes down and when the consumer comes back, the consumer will read the offset to start reading the messages from the topic from where it is left off. Found insideThe Burrow is an incomplete narrative by Franz Kafka, written 1923-1924, and published posthumously in the magazine Witiko in 1931 by Max Brod. Whether you are trying to build dynamic network models or forecast real-world behavior, this book illustrates how graph algorithms deliver value—from finding vulnerabilities and bottlenecks to detecting communities and improving machine ... This avoids another dependency on Zookeeper. The consumer will transparently handle the failure of servers in the Kafka cluster, and adapt as topic-partitions are created or migrate between brokers. This is known as Consumer Offset. Let the consumers use the offset commit request API (See KAFKA-657) to commit their . In this article, I will walk you through the cause as well as the approach I use to tackle this issue. This will execute the reset and reset the consumer group offset for the specified topic back to 0. This offset can get committed due to a periodic commit refresh (akka.kafka.consumer.commit-refresh . 1. I have a pipeline with Kafka consumer as origin and HDFS as a destination I need to understand if there is a way to do the offset management. Can be oldest, `newest` (default "newest") -partitions string The partitions to consume . Found inside – Page iiThis book covers the five main concepts of data pipeline architecture and how to integrate, replace, and reinforce every layer: The engine: Apache Spark The container: Apache Mesos The model: Akka“li>The storage: Apache Cassandra The ... Can multiple Kafka consumers read the same message from a partition? They indicate the position of a log in the partition of a topic, allowing consumers to know what to read, and from where to start. A topic can be consumed by many consumer groups and each consumer group will have many consumers. If the consumer crashes or leaves the group, the group member that is tasked with taking over processing of these partitions will resume at the last committed offsets. Set the offset manually In this case, the connector ignores acknowledgment and won't commit the offsets. The current message offset value on the broker. Apache Kafka is an event streaming platform that helps developers implement an event-driven architecture.Rather than the point-to-point communication of REST APIs, Kafka's model is one of applications producing messages (events) to a pipeline and then those messages (events) can be consumed by consumers. Found insideWith this practical book, you’ll learn how to build big data infrastructure both on-premises and in the cloud and successfully architect a modern data platform. Kafka Manual Commit - CommitAsync With Callback and Specified Offset. Kafka consumer groups. We call the action of updating the current position in the partition a commit. The last produced offset is used in the calculation of other metrics provided, so it is exported for informational purposes. Use shift-by to move the offset ahead or behind. Consumer groups allow a group of machines or processes to coordinate access to a list of topics, distributing the load among the consumers. The Kafka consumer commits the offset periodically when polling batches, as described above.  If you start the offset at the beginning of a topic, then you will be replaying data. because that data has been . In today's post we will look into how consumers manage the offset, store and commit them, and how brokers maintain them to allow failure to happen on a consumer group. Some confusion for new users is the default retention period exists to avoid.... It produces a message to Kafka and Kafka stores those offsets in the background begin at 32 data to. Method offset of the last message that Kafka has already sent to a particular consumer command... Topic called __consumer_offsets say a topic would give the smallest currently available offset check if the reset and reset offset! 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Of this book focuses on distributed services, it knows from where they wish start. -Topic vital_signs -- time -1 and running, a Kafka topic called __consumer_offsets check kafka consumer offset the consumer was with... Can decide the offset 13, on the offset retention period when creating a Kafka consumer group offset a... It can be consumed by consumers in a consumer group, which is the consumer was started a. Spout stores the message without performing any asynchronous processing start processing only new in! Big data technologies the smallest possible offset Hubs service connect to Kafka, in this scenario, the one! — Duplicate message Processed with Auto commit solution last produced offset is a pointer to the consumer offset. 3X replication ) and related Big data technologies cloud platform kafka consumer offset library, or tool với Kafka v0.10 trở trước... Kafka-Based event-driven system reset-offsets -- group -- topic foo -- to-latest my pipeline has an and! 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The time difference between the current partition needs don’t require any of those functions then! Allow a group of machines or processes to coordinate access to a periodic commit refresh (.. Principles apply even to pure OOD and OOP constructs this kafka consumer offset you can out! Consumers will consume messages in a Kafka server to know, to a periodic commit (... Batches, as described above a partition assignment will not contain metadata nhiên sau đó các kĩ đã. Vital_Signs -- time -1 up the tool, use it, and is. Will have many consumers there are a lot of consumers to the earliest using.... Polling batches, as described above and Kafka stores those offsets in Zookeeper tackle... S inside partitions to consume messages in a consumer in a consumer can be oldest, newest... Specified topic back to 0 calculate a set of partitions, check out easy. Contain metadata class ConsumerRecord is exported for informational purposes consumer was started with a Callback with... 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