Arya and the Hound, on the other hand, make it inside before the castle’s gates are shut. After Mel returns to Dragonstone with Gendry, Stannis questions why she is treating him so kindly when they are just planning on sacrificing him to the Lord of the Light. Varys then reports back to Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm on what he has learned: The slave masters of Yunkai, Astapor and Volantis have been secretly financing the Sons. Satisfied that her granddaughter has a plan, Olenna agrees to go home. The saga in King’s Landing continues with Ned confronting a defiant Cersei with his newly acquired knowledge of her children’s true parentage. When one of the riders confronts Drogo about his wife’s defiance, the Khal kills him but is injured in the process. Theon then charges the Night King, but is cut down. Or, before winter’s done, everyone you’ve ever known will be dead.”. Directed and written by Topaz Jones and Rubberband. In the much more temperate climate of Dorne, Prince Doran sends Myrcella to see Jaime so that he can be assured of her well-being. When everyone else has left the room, Olenna tells Daenerys that while Tyrion is a clever man, the lords of Westeros are sheep and Daenerys must be a dragon. Arya mentions her kill list after asking Sansa if the rumors about her killing Joffrey are true, but Sansa laughs it off. The estranged brothers share a brief, yet ominous, exchange.“You know who’s coming for you,” the Hound tells the Mountain. Found inside – Page 126H100 5; LT 46: POP 8; RBH 27 BECAUSE OF YOU (EMI April, ASCAP/Smelly Songs, ... ASCAP/Sony/ATV Cross Keys, ASCAP), HL H10028 BET ON IT [Walt Disney. She then menacingly picks up the Valyrian steel dagger and mulls over the idea of becoming Sansa before handing the dagger to her sister and walking out of the room. Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. When Edmure refuses, Jaime explains that the other option is for him to catapult Edmure’s son into Riverrun and slaughter every other Tully that stands in his way. It is one of the three remaining Wall castles — along with Castle Black and The Shadow Tower — still manned by the men of the Watch. Yara is a bit taken aback, but ultimately agrees and the two formally shake on their alliance. At the Dreadfort, Yara leads her crew of ironborn on a raid to rescue Theon. He says that if she truly blames him for everything that has happened, then she should order the Mountain to kill him, but she doesn’t. The two siblings retreat to the godswood to talk and Sansa begins to realize that Bran has been deeply changed by his experiences beyond the Wall. You murdered her. Tyrion asks Pod to bring Jaime to see him and then orders him to flee King’s Landing before anything bad happens to him. He went on to father many illegitimate children while Cersei’s three kids — one of whom is dead — were all a product of her incestuous relationship with Jaime. Found inside – Page 58♢This record is predicted to reach the TOP 40 EASY LISTENING Chart Spotlights Predicted to reach the top 20 ... Flip: "8th Wonder" (Kilynn/Cotillion, BMI). “The Ghost of Harrenhal” opens with Melisandre’s shadow monster — which now appears to have Stannis’ face — materializing in Renly’s tent and stabbing him through the heart as Catelyn and Brienne watch on in horror. She asks Jon what he saw when he died, but to her disappointment, he says that he only remembers being stabbed, nothing afterward. You’ve officially survived the Red Wedding, but we bet you don’t feel too good about it. Game of Thrones‘ most recent penultimate episode sees Daenerys finally learn the truth about the danger the Night King poses to the people of Westeros. After hunting down and brutally killing several of the rogue Brotherhood Without Banners members who took part in the massacre of his village, the Hound finds Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr preparing to hang Lem Lemoncloak (Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson) and the other two men who incited the slaughter. Tywin has ordered him to fight in the vanguard alongside the hill tribesman, an assignment that Tyrion sees as a suicide mission. The Hound is shown cowering from the fires raging around him — something he has fearly nearly his entire life — until Beric points out how viciously Arya is fighting and he springs into action. With Stannis’ forces gaining ground and the Lannister men losing confidence, Tyrion rallies the troops and leads a successful counterattack on the Baratheon forces battering the Mud Gate. During a discussion with Beric and Thoros, Arya learns that the Lord of Light has enabled Thoros to resurrect Beric on six different occasions. Later that night, Osha feigns loyalty to Theon by sleeping with him before showing her true colors by smuggling Bran and Rickon (Art Parkinson), their direwolves Summer and Shaggydog, and their gentle giant protector Hodor (Kristian Nairn) out of Winterfell. In Slaver’s Bay, Daenerys must choose one of her advisors — all of whom are eager to serve — to go head-to-head with the champion of Meereen in a fight to the death. You were all I had.”. Tyrion orders the Hound to lead a “welcome party” that includes Lancel to meet the Baratheon troops head on. At Winterfell, Sansa is forging ahead with her plans to keep the people of the North fed and warm throughout winter — despite Littlefinger’s best attempt to get in her head with a Machiavellian speech about staying one step ahead of her enemies — when a guard rushes over to announce the arrival of Bran and Meera. As his men fall around him, a severely injured Grey Worm manages to keep fighting against all odds. When Daenerys goes to look for food, she is suddenly surrounded by a Dothraki khalasar. He then presents a compelling argument for why Bran, a.k.a. Tyrion agrees to free Pycelle per Cersei’s request, but blackmails Lancel into reporting back to him on Cersei by threatening to tell Joffrey about their illicit activities. Later, Varys seeks out Shae and tries to bribe her into leaving King’s Landing in order to eliminate Tyrion’s greatest weakness, his love for her. However, they make a deal with the innkeeper to leave Hot Pie behind to work as a baker. In Braavos, Ser Meryn Trant returns to the same brothel to solicit another child prostitute. Cersei refuses and becomes even more enraged with her jailer. Cersei reluctantly allows him into her bed and, after the deed is done, Euron tells her that he’s “going to put a prince in [her] belly.” Euron leaves and Cersei, who is already pregnant, is visibly upset. It’s time to find out what happened to Arya after she sailed away from Westeros in the season 4 finale. And I think she knows what the answer is going to be,” showrunner D.B. At first it seems as though Arya may be in danger, but it’s then revealed that her long-lost direwolf Nymeria is leading the pack. Daenerys spares Jorah’s life but once again exiles him from Meereen. In the nick of time, Drogon swoops in and begins roasting the Sons before allowing Daenerys to climb on his back and ride him for the first time as they fly up and away from the city. These songs make my heart sing and help me come into the presence of God whenever I do! Tyrion shows up to save Sansa and decides to try to find a way to temper Joffrey’s sadistic tendencies — an endeavor that goes horribly wrong. Tyrion reveals that Daenerys is willing to call a temporary truce if Cersei agrees to certain terms. While Yara and Ellaria want to strike King’s Landing hard and fast, Daenerys insists that she doesn’t want to be queen of a city of ashes. Tyrion asks Jaime if he will fight for him, but Jaime admits that he’s useless without his right hand. Following his introduction at the Lannister army’s camp in the Riverlands, Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) sends Jaime — who fled King’s Landing after attacking Ned — to lay siege to Riverrun, Catelyn’s childhood home and the seat of House Tully. The two joke about how Jaime’s death would be worth seeing the look on Tywin’s face when his heir is cut down. When Shireen visits Stannis in his chambers at Castle Black, she asks him if he’s ashamed of her, as Selyse cleary is. Brienne explains that saving her from being raped was what cost him his hand and how he kept his oath to Catelyn Stark by giving her Oathbreaker and sending her to find Sansa and Arya. Meanwhile, the Stark sisters have their own issues to sort out. When Tywin announces a recess, a desperate Jaime visits his father in private and offers to leave the Kingsguard and take his place as Tywin’s son and heir at Casterly Rock if Tywin will allow Tyrion to live. Once Sam explains that he has come to train to become Castle Black’s new maester, the maester on duty allows Sam into the library, where he looks around in wonder at the wealth of books available to him. That night, Jon saves Lord Commander Mormont’s life by throwing an oil lamp at the reanimated corpse of one of the dead rangers to set it on fire — an incident that alerts the Lord Commander to the growing threat of the White Walkers. Meanwhile, at Davos’ urging, Stannis agrees to leave Melisandre behind when his forces sail on Blackwater Bay. While some of the lords are initially hesitant to commit their forces to his cause, once Lyanna Mormont speaks up in his stead, he is unanimously declared the King in the North. And last but certainly not least, there’s Daenerys. Later, as Littlefinger and Robin prepare to set out on a tour of the Vale, Sansa emerges to accompany them with newly dyed dark hair, a change that signals the beginning of a new phase in her life. The Hound quickly kills the others before they can react and tells her to give him a head’s up the next time she decides to pull a stunt like that. The concept is summed up well by this TV Tropes post explaining self-fulfilling time travel: “You go back in time to set right what once went wrong, only to discover that the ‘changes’ you’re making to the past were what ‘already’ happened anyway. When Ramsay presents Moat Cailin to his father, Roose rewards him by legitimizing him as a true Bolton. Tyrion Lannister to Missandei: “That’s what I do. In Braavos, a still-bleeding Arya somehow makes her way to the theater, where Lady Crane finds her and takes her home to stitch her up. However, Tywin remains calm and simply sends Joffrey to bed to diffuse the situation. He discovers the remains of a pyre and spots the wooden stag that he gave to Shireen lying in the snow beside it. an installment that focuses on just one location and a select few characters — Game of Thrones demonstrates an unrivaled ability to bring the horrors of medieval-style warfare to life onscreen as the highly-anticipated clash between the Lannisters and Stanis Baratheon comes to a head. While visiting Tyrion in his cell, Jaime reveals that Cersei has named the Mountain (now played by Hafþór Björnsson) — who has returned to the capital and is busy ruthlessly executing prisoners in preparation for the contest — as her champion. Top Articles. Later, Daenerys tells Tyrion that she has decided to take him on as an advisor and they chat about her plan to take the Iron Throne. Unaware that Littlefinger was the one who led Arya to the letter, Sansa asks for his advice on dealing with her sister. Tywin recognizes that Arya is a girl and recruits her as his new cupbearer. However, he thinks that Daenerys’ two armies and three dragons will ensure her safety. Littlefinger admits that he fed Cersei information to ward off her suspicions. Once onboard their ship, Daenerys watches as Davos and Gendry strip a severely hypothermic Jon out of his wet clothes and sees the scars Jon still has from his murder. At Hardome, Tormund kicks negotiations off by beating the Lord of Bones to death after he insults him for allying with a brother of the Night’s Watch. “And in that darkness, eyes starring back at me. Oberyn recounts his memory of meeting Tyrion when he was just a baby who people referred to as the “Lannister monster.” He recalls that Cersei despised Tyrion even then and wished him dead for killing their mother in childbirth. During their meeting, Cersei manages to convince Tycho that the Iron Bank should side with the Lannisters rather than Daenerys by promising to repay the crown’s debt within a fortnight. “She never fooled you,” he responds. On the beach, Daenerys bids an emotional farewell to both Jorah and Jon and their boat sets sail for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. Daenerys is horrified but resolves to look upon the face of every child that was killed. When she’s confronted by the Waif (Faye Marsay), another servant of the Faceless Men, the two get in a physical altercation that’s only broken up when Jaqen intervenes. As Littlefinger tells it, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen beat Ser Barristan Selmy to win the tourney, but then rode past his own wife, Princess Elia Martell, to lay his winner’s crown of blue winter roses in Lyanna’s lap. In the Riverlands, Brienne and Pod spend a night at the Inn at the Crossroads, where they learn from Hot Pie that Arya is alive and traveling with the Hound. The fight took place at the end of Robert’s Rebellion when Ned led a group of Northmen to the Tower of Joy, a tower in Dorne’s Red Mountains that Rhaegar Targaryen ordered Ser Arthur and Ser Gerold Hightower (Eddie Eyre) to hold prior his death, in search of his sister Lyanna. The death of Jon Arryn (John Standing), who serves as the Hand of the King, brings King Robert Baratheon (Mark Addy) and the Lannister clan north to visit the Starks at Winterfell. But when Tommen makes this suggestion to Cersei, she immediately suspects Margaery’s involvement. However, during a post-dinner conversation, Roose reassures Ramsay that he thinks of him as his son before asking for his help defeating Stannis. She also resolves to have him killed if he ever returns. Arya lets him know in no uncertain terms that she has no intention of ever being no one, and with a nod and barely perceptible smile, he lets her leave. Meanwhile, Varys decides to nip his apprehension over Littlefinger’s growing power in the bud by recruiting Ros, who works as a prostitute in Littlefinger’s brothel, into his own service as a spy. “At the end of episode 1, she’s in a place where she really needs to look her real self in the eye and come to terms with where she stands now.”, Ellaria Sand to Doran Martell: “Weak men will never rule Dorne again.”. Cersei is hysterical as her son gasps his last breaths and becomes even more so when he raises a hand to point to Tyrion, who is examining Joffrey’s wine glass. He also gives them the rest of the dragonglass weapons that the Night’s Watch found at the Fist of the First Men and tells them about the White Walkers. Qhorin orders Jon to execute Ygritte as the rest of the party continues on, but Jon cannot bring himself to kill her. "Roses" by Saint Jhn, 2. Selyse takes her leave and Melisandre questions Stannis about whether he plans to leave her behind when he marches on Winterfell like he did during the Battle of the Blackwater. Armed with a spear, Oberyn dances his way around the Mountain’s attacks while repeatedly insisting that the Mountain confess to raping and murdering Elia and killing her children. Despite the fact that she has told Tyrion that she is infertile, Daenerys says that she refuses to make a plan for who will rule after her until she wears the crown. 1 In U.K. Miley Cyrus Addresses Panic Attack During Summerfest Performance. Later, Arya watches as Sansa presides over a meeting of the Northern lords, who are upset that the King in the North is no longer in the North. Before setting out himself, Jon sends Ghost north with Tormund and the remaining wildlings. Cersei then goes to see Qyburn and requests that he send a letter to Littlefinger — the contents of which we don’t yet know. In Braavos, Arya is back at the docks studying the thin man when she spots Mace Tyrell and Ser Meryn Trant arriving in the city. She proceeds to name Mace Tyrell as the new Master of Coin and Qyburn as the new Master of Whisperers. The removal of the necklace reveals her true form, a much, much older version of herself, and she dejectedly climbs into bed. However, he does reveal how he managed to band all the different factions of Free Folk together: by convincing them that they will all die if they don’t manage to get south of the Wall. I drink, and I know things.”. Once the trio lets on that they think it’s her who’s surrendering, Daenerys turns the tables on them by summoning Drogon to her side and riding him out over the bay to rain dragonfire down on the masters’ fleet. With nothing left to lose, Stannis and his remaining men prepare to lay siege to Winterfell but are instead met in open combat by Ramsay and the mounted Bolton army, who make easy work of defeating them. But Sansa, while saddened by her brother’s death, only has one thing on her mind. At Dragonstone, Daenerys tells Tyrion that she’s glad he’s not a hero because heroes like Drogo, Jorah, Daario and Jon do stupid things that get them killed. She then falls to the ground dead. Tyrion initially pokes fun at her sermon, but is clearly disconcerted when she turns and stares directly into his eyes. The final moments of the episode see a traumatized Arya find herself alone in the ruins of King’s Landing. In the midst of all this, Arya has been trying to make her way out of the city while Daenerys continues her killing spree. As Tywin escorts Tommen from the room, Jaime enters. Jojen explains to Bran that he is not only a warg, but also — like Jojen himself — has the Sight, the ability to perceive past, present and future events through prophetic dreams and visions. Jon and the White Walker are both shocked that Longclaw didn’t shatter and Jon takes advantage of the opportunity to kill him. After Tyrion advises Daenerys to propose terms of surrender to the masters rather than just annihilating them and their cities, Dany meets with Yezzan zo Qaggaz, Razdal mo Eraz and Belicho Paenymion outside of the Great Pyramid. When Tyrion leaves to give the masters time to consider his offer, a group of Meereen’s freedmen immediately confront him for negotiating with slavers. At the Citadel, Archmaester Ebrose warns Sam that the only treatment that has ever worked on Greyscale as advanced as Jorah’s is forbidden, as the maester who attempted it ended up contracting the disease himself. Tyrion attempts to begin negotiations, but is interrupted by Euron, who threatens to kill Yara if Theon doesn’t submit to him. Game of Thrones has officially ended. After learning from his newly acquired spy Ros that Littlefinger is planning to spirit Sansa away from King’s Landing, Varys conspires with Olenna Tyrell to quell Littlefinger’s attempts to control Sansa, who is poised to become the heir to the North. At the Great Sept of Baelor, the High Sparrow allows Tommen to see Margaery, who is no longer in a cell and is speaking like a newly converted follower of the Faith of the Seven. Bran spots Jon and tries to call out to him, but Jojen warns him that Jon won’t let them continue on their journey if he sees them. A full-on panic ensues as the surviving wildlings desperately try to make their way out to the Night’s Watch’s ships. “There’s one thing on the board from the beginning that is now big enough to do that, and that’s a dragon…Winter is here and it’s all hitting the fan from all directions.”, Bran Stark to Samwell Tarly about Jon Snow: “He’s never been a bastard. When I was going through the college application process in my day, the unspoken Asian/Asian-American quotas for top private institutions were accepted as a given rule of the game which led to some pretty vicious rivalries among my peer group (whether accurate or not, there was a notion that our district was allocated a … All he wants in return is to be named Warden of the North. After slamming him against the wall of the crypt, Jon tells Littlefinger that he will kill him if he ever touches Sansa. Sansa begins to get angry and asserts that they wouldn’t be standing in Winterfell if it weren’t for her. Daenerys swoops in on Drogon’s back and then dismounts to deliver a speech in which she praises the Dothraki for the ruthlessness they exhibited in winning her the Iron Throne. Jon is elected Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Separately, Sansa learns that Ser Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane (Conan Stevens) is the one responsible for his brother and Joffrey’s personal bodyguard Sandor “The Hound” Clegane’s (Rory McCann) disfigured face, a detail that foreshadows the horrific cruelties that the Mountain is capable of inflicting on others. They happen upon a hidden supply of dragonglass daggers, a weapon that will prove to play a pivotal part in the fight against the White Walkers. The Wall…It’s where the Wall meets the sea. Everyone at Winterfell then watches in horror as the Dothrakis’ swords are extinguished by the dead, and the survivors of the initial charge — including Jorah and Ghost — retreat in disarray. They even manage to capture Tormund. Jaime then knights Brienne in one of the most emotionally fulfilling scenes of the series. Littlefinger is clearly taken aback, as there are no normal means by which Bran could know about this conversation. "Own It" by Stormzy featuring Ed Sheeran and Burna Boy, 8. Sansa witnesses the defeat of the Baratheon army and tries to flee Winterfell but is caught by Myranda, who threatens to torture her while making Theon watch. I would have to say that Rock of Ages is at the top of my list. However, Jaime knew his father was bluffing and, as Kingsguard to Aerys “The Mad King” Targaryen, advised his king to surrender the city while he still could. Found inside – Page 58EMI/Ten Ten Tunesa ASCAP), WBM, CS 44 THIS IS HOW A HEART BREAKS (U Rule Music ... ASCAP/Iy Me A River, ASCAP/JesKar, ASCAP), HL, POP 48 YOUR BODY (Marco ... After Arya adds the Hound’s name to the end of her kill list when she recites it aloud one night, the Hound gets back at her by taunting the style of swordplay that she learned from Syrio Forel and the fact that he was killed by Ser Meryn Trant (Ian Beattie). The two have a conversation in which Ramsay tries to get in a few final taunts but Sansa remains steely. Bran the Three-Eyed Raven. Despite all of the times she insisted that she isn’t the same person that her father was, Daenerys certainly seems to be following in the Mad King’s footsteps. That night, Bronn shows up ready to kill both Jaime and Tyrion on Cersei’s orders, but they assuage him by promising him lordship of Highgarden once Daenerys has won the crown. Desperate to find a way to keep Joffrey out of danger, Cersei orders the Kingsguard to kidnap Ros (Esmé Bianco) — who she believes is the prostitute Tyrion is in love with — in order to blackmail him into keeping Joffrey off the frontlines. Once Littlefinger is gone, Meera reveals that she has come to say goodbye to Bran now that she has delivered him safely back to Winterfell. When she pushes him on the topic, Theon ends up revealing that the boys he killed were actually two peasant boys, not Bran and Rickon, before freaking out and rushing from the room. Ellaria reluctantly kneels and kisses his hand. As his first act as king, Bran proclaims that Tyrion will make amends for his crimes by serving as his Hand of the King. Our triumphs. His unease only increases after one of Craster’s pregnant wives, Gilly (Hannah Murray), enlists Sam to ask Jon to take her with them out of fear for her unborn child. At another meeting of the Small Council, Mace Tyrell announces that the Iron Bank has called in 10 percent of the crown’s debt, a sum that they can still only afford to pay half of. Daenerys then turns away with a disturbed and furious expression on her face, and walks back through her army’s ranks. As the torturers prepare to rape Theon, the young man intercedes once again and kills them. Deeper in wildling territory, Ygritte presents Jon to the Lord of Bones (Edward Dogliani) as a gift. One informs him that his grandfather, Hoster Tully, has died at Riverrun. Arya goes to see the satirical play based on the War of the Five Kings in which Lady Crane is playing the role of Cersei, but is visibly upset by the show’s mocking portrayal of Ned and Sansa. Lyanna then gave birth to Jon — whose real name is Aegon Targaryen — before she died. So we always wanted to show her true age and were waiting for the right moment and this was it for us.”, “Her confronting the reality of her situation, her appearance is a lie just as the Lord of Light’s supposed promises to her and messages to her were lies,” showrunner D.B. And overheard their conversation and help me come into the presence of God whenever I do urges Loras to crawling. You can join our new Cross Stitch Newsletter rescuing Yara, who has watched entire. Wolf eighth wonder cross my heart top of the pops and well, and Dany takes over beside herself and meets with,. S no use any possible marriage alliances by marrying Talisa, Roose is that! 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